Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Working Hard

I had to work the entire time I was at work today, so I didn't get a chance to post anything at work. So here I am, after a breif visit with Tiffany and Nick, I'm typing what should have been done hours ago. Stupid work responsibilities. To start things off, I found out that today, I was going to have to take the esteemed co-workers (nerds) across campus to teach them how to do the tapes correctly. Upon hearing this, a sense of irony swept over me. So I reported to Myron's office and told him, "I need 2 coworkers to accompany me to do tapes.."
"That's right," he said, "they're co-workers. Remember that."
It seems that 2 kids named Justin and Weston made the cut and were the lucky winners. They accompanied me, I showed them what to do, despite Justin's claims that he'd done it before. That was just the start to a long day at work. When Shervonne, a woman at work, told me to be good, I had to let her know that, "I am too busy to cause any trouble today..." Sad but true, that's how my day went. All work and no play makes for a pretty boring blog I'm afraid. That, and having to type it on my own time. I'd rather waste company time typing these things up than my own. I prefer to use my time for napping. Which is what I'm going to do now...

And today is my grandma's birthday. Happy Birthday Granna!


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Chris no excitment today??? Come on! And by the way I NEVER get to be mentioned in your BLOG! So I say blah to your blog!

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Amen to that, Karen! I only got a "happy birthday mb". BLAH! Was our detective work today not important to you at all? And you call yourself a Cleavelin...

  3. Hey hippie faces. As you should know, the blog of the day usually consists of what happened up till 4PM. Now if I wrote it at 4:47, how was I supposed to document things that didn't happen until after 7? Figure that one out and I'll meet your demanding...demands...

  4. And also, Karen you were mentioned in conjunction with the fanny pack and as part of the most highly acclaimed story on here, the gun sage. So pipe down Skipper Brown
