Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Dance Party

Karen, she made me a C Rat cake. I'm very thankful for that. Thank you Karen. And thanks for your comments. Also, for those of you that don't know Karen, let me tell you that she has what she thinks is the best joke in the world. If you see her, ask her about'll make you "appreciate your brain cells," Tiffany promises. And also, I appreciate Penny too. Thank you for going to the store with me to visit our friendly, hat-loving neighbor that gives out free milk!

But mostly, I appreciate the crazy spontaneous dance parties that the residents of my apartment break into. With Nick DJing from his keyboard and Clinton and I gettin krunk, it was off da chain fo rizzle. I encourage y'all to join us next time you need a study break.

For some reason I had "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" stuck in my head today. I don't know where it came from. Luckily Tiffany was here to replace that song with "Yes, Jesus Loves Me." I suppose I'll use the rest of the time at work to probably work and then study for my 2 tests tomorrow. Tiffany also requests that I use some of this time to teach her to study like me and make good grades. I assume by that, she wants to learn how to use study time to mainly sing songs and dance around, but still make As. It takes natural ability Tiffany. And that's something that can't be taught.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    i would like to vent at you kids that read this....if you never ever do things at your job, and then changes are made to the way other people you work with do are in no position to enforce these changes because all you do is sit on your butt and do nothing always!!! if you want to have a say in things, then do work and dont just play diablo all the time!!! i freakin hate that guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Indeed. He's not the boss of me.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    my workplace may be way more strict than y'all's but at least you have similar co-worker personalities to put up with. ah, there is justice in the world... thanks for the shout out boo! i hope you push back your tests' wigs tomorrow!

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Way to go Penny! We fought our way back into the BLOG! Haha! Anyways I really wanna be invited to the next "dance" party! And get excited its almost Fright Fest Time! Whoop. Chris good luck on your 2 tests tomorrow!

  5. Karen, you posted that at my birthday time. 12:12

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Whoop for me! In 37 days, 6 hrs, 17 min I get my AGGIE RING! Anways, have a good one and ace your tests (like you always do UGH) and have a great one! Come to Hastings tonite ... Sarah and I both work~

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    go read my friend's blog. :-)

    don't take offense, she was a marketing major too. :-)

  8. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Wow Wilson this is like a world record!!! See what happens when you mention Penny and me in your blog?!? Haha! See ya

  9. Oh Heck No. Let me get some things straight before Tiffany sees this and goes off. Hugh Is NOT our boss. Robin has told me on numerous occasions that when she's not there, I'm in charge. I talked to Cheryl about the changes, I was informed and then he was telling me I was doing things wrong and then tattled on me to Dave who didnt care. I let him know I was informed and was doing things the best way. He does not know our job so he certainly can't argue with me about how to do my job well. I told him if there was a problem, I'd talk to Robin about it who is my boss. But I knew there would be no problem, because I would not do anything that Robin would object to. I respect her too much.
