Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Liquor and Lillies

I'm easing in. It hasn't been too bad. 3 days of work the first week and now, this week will have only 4 thanks to Memorial Day. I had fun yesterday. It was good returning to the farm finally. It's been forever!

In other news, I found yet another notable store in Willis. It's a Liquor store that also sells flowers. I imagine they're trying to give men an excuse to stop there on the way home.

Wife: You didn't stop by the liquor store did you?
Man: No way honey! I stopped by the *hic* florist. I got you a 12 pack...err dozen roses!

Why is it in cartoons, hiccups are a dead giveaway that someone's been drinking. I think that's a much simpler sobriety test.

Anyway, not much else going on. I went to Wells Fargo and Philly Connection during my lunch break today. I'm branching out, trying new food places and learning the city some...well the Northwest side anyway. Tonight I'll be cooking some Sausage and Egg taquitos on my new electric griddle. Thanks Penny!

I got mail today! For the first time since living here, my mail box wasn't empty. And just when I thought I'd been giving out the wrong address. It wasn't much, just one piece of mail. But it was a check from IHS. Which marks not only my first piece of mail here in Montgomery, but also my first paycheck from a big person job. What a day! And now to celebrate, how about those taquitos?


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    hmmm. that is a strange store. mmmm taquitos

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
