Friday, May 19, 2006

Last Day In College Station

So, it's my last full day in CS. I move tomorrow morning. So now, I sit in my empty room. I need to shower and get on with my day. I've just been packing all morning, but I need to get clean and go eat with Penny now. 4 years is not long enough to have been a resident of College Station, I'm leaving far before my time. But I'll be back, I'll miss College Station and it will definately miss me. Until then, I'll get acquainted with Montgomery. And now, on with my day.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Hey! Who said you could speak for me???

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hey! Just to let you know, I want to be more than just acquaintances. I am looking for a long term relationship...
