Thursday, June 01, 2006


So, yeah it's 10PM and I'm just now getting home. It was a long day (which isn't necessarily bad). I got to hang out with the clients all day, learn some more stuff. It was all good. I got off work a little before 5, we had dinner in The Woodlands at 7, so there was no sense in me coming home between then, so I ran some errands and hung out at The Woodlands Mall. All kinds of interesting people in there. Somehow a group of 4 punks tried to have a quasi-thug look, but retaining their upper class preppiness all the while. They irritated me as they hung out between Banana Republic and Abercrombie, so I moved across the mall to another bench. Anyway, 7 rolled around and I got an abundance of good food, courtesy of my company at The Cheesecake Factory. We had so many appetizers, I filled up on that by the time my food came. And then was dessert. Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake is probably the best thing ever. It's even better than mashed potatoes. Anyway, as I was saying, a long day isn't necessarily bad. So far, all things have been good in Montgomery. I have been blessed with a job that I am liking and a nice little town to come home to. Of course I miss the comfort and friends College Station provides and the family in Corpus, but for now I can call Montgomery "home."

I bought the Lecrae album today in The Woodlands, I've listened to a couple of songs off of it, I was on the phone most of my driving time tonight. But as we already know, it was straight krunk.

Another thing that I think is awesome is a new CD of lullabies. These lullabies are put out by some company (Rock-A-Bye Records Maybe?) to soothe your child, you know typical lullaby stuff. The awesome part: they do it by toning down rock artists. Right now, they've released their first 5 (or so) records, including Metallica of course. Maybe that's something even I could fall asleep to.

And lastly, it's June 1st, which of course is the first day of Hurricane Season. Always an exciting time as we coastal people know. Happy Hunting.


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Thanks for the encouragement as I go duck hunting!

  2. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Woo hoo!
    The merry-go-round broke down!
    Woo hoo!

  3. It's clearly Hurricane Season, not Duck Season. You may only go storm hunting, you obsolete noodle brain.

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    It's duck season!

  5. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Rabbit season!

  6. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Duck season!

  7. Anonymous11:35 PM

    rabbit season!

  8. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Rabbit season!

  9. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Duck season!

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Fine, you win. It's duck season!

  11. Anonymous11:37 PM


  12. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Cease and dismiss.

  13. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
