Friday, February 17, 2006

Not Feelin It

I finally have time to sit here and update this thing. But I don't feel like it. Maybe this long week has finally caught up with me. The going to sleep with Tylenol PM and waking up with Caffeine every morning has taken its toll on me. I woke up early this morning for FMBWC and it hit me like a shoulder to the mouth (which I can obviously relate to) and hasn't let up yet. I'm just out of it, I've been dragging all day. And now, with 30 minutes left to work, I can't do much more than watch the live stats for the baseball game and listen to this Christian Gangsta Rap as the Xerox guy looks at me with a disapproving glare from behind the machine. Time is ticking by slowly, but soon enough it'll be home time. Well, first will come, walk across the cold, drizzly campus time. But nap time will no doubt shortly follow. Hopefully this weekend will provide a good chance for me to recharge and get some much needed rest. I hope you all find some rest this weekend. It will be a cold, dreary weekend. The kind of weekend perfect for relaxing indoors...


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This blog is boring.

  2. Well excuse me. If you would have bought me a new computer, I would have been able to update sooner. Your Face Is Boring.
