School is officially in full swing with the first "Friday Morning Breakfast With Chris" of the year!
8AM, Friday Mornings at Sbisa, I know it's early, that's a big hinderence against more people showing up. Today it was three, but we are the most loyal FMBWCers around. The second thing that today should mark is the reuniting of all the
Aggie Soccer Hooligans for tonight's game. But Clinton decided to go camping instead. Still, the remaining Hooligans will be assembling at 6PM at the soccer field. The game starts at 7, but we
are Hooligans after all, getting there an hour early is a must. Especially with the recent crowds... If anyone wants to join us, you know where we'll be. It's the East Carolina Pirates that we are hosting tonight by the way and the pirate is ASH's official mascot. Thirdly, Clinton pointed out that I'm a senior now and have to pull football tickets on Monday morning! So whoever wants to pull with us, let us know. The first home game is fast approaching! Whoop!

I'm glad A&M stepped up to house so many students displaced by Katrina and now 4 of the sports teams from Tulane (Women's Soccer, Women's Volleyball, Women's Swimming and Diving, and Men's Basketball). With the shortage of home soccer game's this year, I'm definately looking forward to supporting Tulane there, as well as the other sports. The Hooligans will definately give them some sort of homefield advantage, even here in Aggieland. Roll Wave.
That's all I got, not a whole lot else to say unless you want to hear my rant about Ms. Talksalot in my MGMT class. But I won't do that, I'm trying to keep these things shorter, it's fall yall have enough reading to do for school and such.
Already here, hippie