It's beautiful. I finally got my Aggie Ring yesterday. It's been a long time coming, but there it is on my right hand. Ring day was different than usual. We just had to walk up to get our rings, no waiting in line for tickets. I'd say it was very efficient, I don't know why they don't do it like that normally. I ran into a bunch of people I knew getting their rings too, including far too many Calallen kids. It was an exciting time. I had to wait what seemed all day to put it on my finger though. After a lovely breakfast with Jonathan, one of my Growth Group guys, I had to go take that big bad MGMT test for that t-sip prof of mine. It didn't turn out to be as big and bad as we all expected. The Multiple Choice section was down right easy. We'll see how the essays turned out sometime. My prof didn't even show up for the test, she had family to tend to in Houston. Tuesday she refused to postpone the test for the students that had family in the coastal area. There's a guy in my class that was sent here from Tulane that had to head to Galveston after the tet to help his grandparents board up. I imagine he's still on the road. The traffic reports I was hearing yesterday were unreal. 26 Hours from Houston to Dallas? I'm glad I'm staying right here in CS. The hurricane moved anyway, I doubt we'll see any major storms.
Nonetheless, I'm off of work today, it does not seem like a Friday at all, I agreed with Nick when he said it feels like Thanksgiving. Last night did not feel like a football game at all either, I'd say the defense agreed with me as they didn't even show up. It was seriously the worst game I've ever witnessed at Kyle Field. Letting a I-AA school hang with us like that is inexcusable. Luckily we have some talented guys on offense; Reggie, Courtney, Jason Carter, Chad "All He Does Is Score Touchdowns" Schroeder. They did their best to make up for the terrible defense. I dont think our secondary could be any worse. If our defense was half-way decent, I'd say our offense could lead us to a Big XII Championship. But they aren't half-way decent, they aren't any type of decent. I don't care if we only had 3 days to prepare and Texas State had a whole bye-week preparing for us, they're a AA school that deserved to beat us...on Kyle. That is Inexcusable.
That's all... I got my ring, our defense is the worst ever, and the reason Fran doesn't put Shroeder in returning kicks is because then Reggie wouldn't get a chance to get any offensive stats... It's Photographic Friday and I have some dandies! Look at it sparkle!

Tiffany and my fingers look naked as we wait
for the others to arrive.

That's more like it!
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