From Texags:
"My parents came into town for the game and had a grand old time in the shady section, with me stuck up in section 331. Afterward, we go out to eat at delicious McCallister's and my mother is dying to tell me about the game. I'm a junior so I'm a bit surprised how excited she is to tell me something because she's seen the Ags beat the hell out of schools before. She waits until we're all sitting and listening. She then tells me one of the best stories I'd ever heard. Now my parents aren't old Ags, but they've come to love the university they've sent their son to. One of the things I've taught them is that Jaxson Appel is one of my favorite players, and honestly, lots of people's favorite. So there they are in the stadium and they are chatting with the people behind them and can't help but notice their "Jaxson's Mom" and "#19 Appel" t-shirts. They ask and they don't just wear the shirts, but are in fact his family. They chat a little bit and eventually tell my parents this story.Now as we all know, in highschool Appel was a defender like none other... but what I didn't know is that he was also a featured running back. Before each game, his mom would tell Jaxson to "score one for me." When he invariably would, he tapped his helmet for her so she knew that he was thinking of her.Then on September 17, 1998, her father passed away the day before his birthday. Although she was practically inconsolable, Jaxson still tried to lift his mother's spirit. That night she told him that there was something he could do. During the game Friday, don't score one for her. She told him to "score one for Poppa".The opening kickoff, Jaxson returned it 102 yards for the score. He got down on one knee, pointed to the sky and said, "Happy Birthday Poppa, this one is for you. I know it isn’t much of a gift but it is all I have to give." The entire team did as well, and knelt in the end zone.Now as my parents are listening to this story, they're getting slightly teary eyed, as was Mrs. Appel on telling it, and even me on retelling this.She continued. Less than an hour before kickoff and the team is preparing for the game in the locker room. Mrs. Appel gets a call from her mother, telling her that today is Poppa's birthday... could Jaxson score one for him? Coming out of the locker room before the game, Mrs. Appel ran along side the team. "Today is Poppa's birthday! Mimi asked to score one for Poppa. A la junior year!" Jaxson gave a thumbs up and yelled "I love you Mom."Mrs. Appel, quite teary at this point, had finished her part of the story. Jaxson told the rest. SMU, deep in their own territory, was ready to punt. They got a clean snap and a good catch... but Amos Ghunblee blocked it and the ball bounced right into the hands of #19 for a Fightin' Texas Aggie touchdown. The sluggish start to the game had finally been broken and the good guys had put points on the board. Kyle Field erupts.But Jaxson took a knee, and pointed to Poppa. That one was for him."
His aunt also replied to the thread:
"i wanted to thank all who have responded to this article. Jaxson is my nephew and it is my Dad (Ralph Lowe) whom he honored with his touchdown. to be able to celebrate my Dad's birthday seven years after his passing is something special. my Dad's favorite saying was "Pass it on" and it means so much to all the family for the spirit of Ralph Lowe and the spirit of Aggieland to be forever linked on this special occasion. Many Thanks--Blake Lowe"
And then his Mother in the most emotional post:
"I, like my brother, want to thank you all for what you have written. For years I have read on Texags some pretty bad things written about Jaxson. It was hard on this mother's heart but I know everyone is entitled to their opinion and if I can't take criticism then I need to quit reading it. But today has made up for all those times I wanted to gouge out all the eyes of every poster that said my boy wasn't fast enough, or couldn't cover and so on. Thank you for what you have given me today, thank you for what you have given my mother. The story started in little league when Jaxson was playing fullback. Instead of saying good luck I would say “score on for me”. He would score, but one day after a game I asked him which one was for me. He had scored several times and I wasn't sure which one I got. He was 11. He said “I tell you what, mom, the next time I score and it is for you I will pat my head.” He scored on the first drive of the next game and he patted his head, he scored later on in the quarter and he patted his head and to this day he pats his head whenever he scores. He's done it every touchdown of his football career except one. That was on Sept. 17, 1998, his junior year in high school. My father had just died and I was very distraught. I cried and cried all day, they finally sent me home from work. That night I was still crying, it was my father’s birthday tomorrow and for the first time he would not be here to celebrate with me. Jaxson came up to me and he said “I can't stand to see you like this what can I do?” I told him there is nothing you can do. He was adamant that he had to do something. I told him him, tomorrow is Poppa's birthday instead of scoring one for me score one for Poppa. He took the opening kickoff 102 yards, knelt down in the end zone and said "Happy Birthday, Poppa, this one is for you. I know it isn’t much of a gift but it is all I have to give." The whole team followed suit, knelt down in the end zone and said Happy Birthday to my dad. Sat. Sept 17, 2005 my mother calls me 45 minutes before game time. "Can Jaxson score one for Poppa on his birthday?” How am I going to pull this one off, he's in the locker room, he doesn't remember it's Dad's birthday, it's been 7 years, how am I going to tell him? And guess what mom, he plays Defense!!! I don't tell her this I just say O.K. I wait 45 minutes in front of the locker room praying that out of 135 players number 19 will pass by me. We make eye contact the second he comes out of the door. What are the chances of that? I have about 5 seconds to tell him of his 85-year-old grandmother's request. I start running with them to the field. I yell over the crowd, “today is Poppa's birthday, Mimi ask to score one for Poppa.” As he runs away I yell “Ah la junior year”. He gives me thumbs up and yells back, I love you mom.And I'll be damn if the kid didn't do it. Picked up that blocked punt, ran to the end zone, knelt down in the end zone pointed straight to the sky and said "Happy Birthday Poppa, this one’s for you, I know it's not much of a present but it's all I have to give." To all my brothers and sister, to all my nieces and nephews, to my most beloved mother, Poppa is doing just fine in heaven because surely he had a hand in this one.Shana Lowe Appel"
Very heart warming story about a tough guy. The full thread can be found here: Jaxson, Score One For Poppa
In other news, I got an 84 (after an 8 point curve) on my first big, bad MGMT 466 test. I didn't realize we had assigned articles for to read for class, neither idd Nick. When we got to class and he said we were discussing the articles, I began praying to not be called on. It worked, for 50 minutes he called on the other 25 people in class without picking Nick or me out But the class is 75 minutes long... So just when I thought I was in the clear, he called on me. After all the strategies I'd gone over in my head for evading the question, avoiding his attention, I'd been called out. Luckily, my friend Janette had read and took notes! I was able to form a vague, but acceptable answer. Nick wasn't as lucky...
Do your homework kids, it's a good idea...
Wow, great post, Chris. Seriously, I did tear up...