Friday, July 24, 2009



  1. Hey dude! I was having a hard time finding the new blog. Guess I should check in more often, eh?

    I was talking to your friend the other day, you know, the really cool one who is so totally awesome and hikes and kayaks and hunts and such. All that manly stuff you don't do. Anyway, I was talking to him on google talk and he had his songlist as his status and I noticed he was playing those two songs of yours. Yeah, those were some interesting days... I can't believe The Edge managed to land you a record deal! Anyway, hope all is well. And if you have some money to spare, I'm raising some cash for those children over there...

  2. Some weird fans that actually follow your blog fanatically1:59 PM

    Worst blog ever! clap clap clapclapclap
