Speaking of steaks, I had one last night as well. It was Heape's birthday and I was surprisingly invited to dinner. It was good to see the guy! I was not aware until we arrived that I was going to be the 7th Wheel. Much less uncomfortable than the 3rd wheel or 5th wheel, but the 7th wheel is still not a position that most envy. I was joined by Jason and Kasey, Heape and his fiance Tiffany, and an old (late 20's) married couple. We arrived and they let me know that I needed to break the ice so it wouldn't be as uncomfortable, as if I wasn't under enough pressure already. Thanks for leaving me on such an important night, Penny. Before leaving for Outback, I had been quite interested in the Green Bay preseason game, I was hoping to see some rookie Aggies take the field (T Murph was out with an injury, but Montgomery was impressive.) I asked the waitress to turn the TV onto ESPN, but when she failed to return, I took matters into my own hands. I walked to the otherside of the table, reached around for the power button and pressed it. Apparently the last people that used the TV was the 3H group (Hard of Hearing Hispanics) because Telemundo came on and blasted out the news at a volume comparable to a jet engine. I was unable to find the volume button so I retreated. Luckily one of the others I was dining with was able to remedy the situation and the other guests turned their eyes away from our table and back to their food. Ice Broken, mission accomplished. As comfort began to set in, Matt reminded the waitress that Tiffany was going to be on his ticket. She then asked me who I was paying for. I looked at the 2 guys I was sitting between, then to their dates sitting next to them and responded, "No one thank you...I'm the 7th wheel. Just me...by myself..." She nodded and walked off. I returned home to a lonely house. Luckily Kitten had refused to accompany Nick to Corpus and wouldn't come out from under the bed despite Nick's attempts to drag her out with a broom handle. Stand strong Kitten! As a reward for her loyalty, I promised her that we'd watch some of That 70's Show this weekend. I did go over to 1713's new house, 911...the Treehouse, whatever we're calling it, for a short time last night. Ate some cookies, won some Skip-Bo, you know, the usual. Also as usual, I'm planning for a pretty boring weekend, but that normally somehow turns into an eventful one. We'll see.
And now, I unveil a new weekly feature that I like to call "Photograph Friday!" (An attempt at aliteration. I think it works because the Ph makes a F sound...)
This week, 2 pictures. Just so you know who I'm talking about when I mention Penny or Dooley.

This is Penny and Me.

This one is Dooley
Well, I guess I need to be productive as I've been left alone, in charge of the print room. And now the phone's ringing... Next Monday is our Louisiana trip, so I guess I'll be back to blogging on Tuesday! Peace out kids.
I can't afford a Corvette, but I do love Corvette parts...
ReplyDeleteFinally a true statement on your blog, you are a fatty and no more denial...oh wait, you said you were a nerd too, so thats the 2nd true comment I've witnessed...We need to get the cracks fixed in the floor of our apartment from your fatness walkin around...Now that I commented, no harm to Kitten, ya heard?