Wednesday, June 14, 2006


It's been a long week here in Montgomery county. Not that I've done all that much other then go to work. Maybe that's the problem. My cat is no longer in heat, which means I'm not nearly as irritated with her. Kevin recieved a rather nice BBQ pit from his dad, he brought it up here Monday and we assembled it last night. It's pretty nice, but when we were done, it was much past dinner time, so we had to settle for an IHOP dinner.

Now let me tell you a few of the people's names that I've encountered recently. First, there is Arizona Jean. If her last name was Company, it still wouldn't be cool... Secondly, of course, is Mary Christmas. And finally, the woman with the first name Queen and the last name Elizabeth. Ok, let me remind you that creativity is important, but people, please, you do not get points for creativity when you're naming your children.

Anyway, mainly I just wanted to post to avoid another lengthy abscence. So, I'm around. If you see a blue Civic driving down the roads of Montgomery, breifcase in the passenger seat, Beastie Boys in the CD player, that's me keepin it real.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Oh no... We misread our parent handbook. Turns out it said that it is NOT cute to name our son Donald...

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    thats funny. dad said it would be ok if you changed your last name to columbus.
