This little kitten has been living in the parking lot, down by the

Anyway, onto my college tips. Let's begin with classes. Need 3 hours of electives? Not sure about your professor? Here's a handy guide to my favorite professors and easiest classes around. And if this doesn't help, umm...ask MB for my Pickaprof password which she is keeping alive for the next several years! Thanks MB!
With my only A's freshman year coming from MATH 141, 142 and Geology, I'll share a couple of hints. First, if Jen Whitfield is still around, she's no doubt the best Math professor to take. If Ruvane Marvitt is still around, he's no doubt the craziest one around. I'd strongly urge you to avoid him, the only way I even knew what was going on in class was from teaching myself from the book, not fun, but effective. Second, if you take Geology, just know that the lab is going to be the most boring hours of your life...
If you're going to take accounting, seek out Charley Clark. He teaches night classes because he's a CPA during the day. He's a great guy and the best ACCT prof I ever had.
The best class I ever had was the History of Rock Music. It was MUSC 200 that semester, which happened to be the first semester it was ever offered. I had H. Berger (the H did not stand for Ham unfortunately) and it counted as a Performing/Visual Arts credit. My final grade was something like a 98, it was interesting, and it's actually knowledge that I apply (in Trivial Pursuit mostly...). So if you need an arts credit, check into that, but make sure it's still acceptable as an arts credit, otherwise it's a great elective.
ECON is a tough subject for me, but for 203 I had Nelson (not Neilson) and he was one of the funniest, most effective professors I've ever had. With a dry sense of humor that I appreciate and a manner comparable to Will Ferrel, he was a professor I seeked out to take more classes from. If you have to take Econ, take it from this guy.
Elective Alert! If you need an elective and you're a U1 or U2, Intro to Business (MGMT 105) is for you. It's a class all the althetes take to boost their GPA first of all. And secondly, it's taught by the number one best professor at A&M, Ben Welch. I had him for 2 classes (MGMT 363 and 105) and aced both classes with very minimal effort. But he's a great guy, he's geniuine, caring, and he'll keep you laughing. If you ever get a chance to take a class from him, do it. Especially 363, because the alternative professor is tough, but Welch only teaches that one during the summer. 105 is taught strictly by Benny, but that class fills up quickly.
MGMT 211 may very well be the toughest class you take, be aware of that. Don't take it at the same time as any other reading intensive class. Swim's a good guy though. Strict, but a good guy, no matter what Nick says.
Sociology of Sport was a tougher elective than I was looking for, I got a B, but the class was somewhat interesting and did not require too much reading (very rare in SOCI classes).
Alright, now for my favorite MKTG professors:
Dr. Busch was my favorite professor. He's kind of zany, but he cares for his students, I probably had the best relationship with him than I did any other professor here, he offered me advice about when I talked to him about pursuing grad school (he's also a grad school prof). His classes are very interactive.
DeWald is a very good guy with a sense of humor. He teaches the intro class, so even non Business majors can get this guy as a prof, and I highly recommend it.
Lampo is a nice woman, I enjoyed her Retail class and did well in it. Her classes are very project intensive, but the projects are interesting. I enjoyed her as a prof, but her 347 class brought me my only B in MKTG...
Jelena Spanjol is not a name I thought I'd put on this list at the beginning of the semester. Early on she scared me (I think this was on purpose). I seriously wanted to switch to another professor, I was worried. But towards the middle of semester, we saw that she wasn't so tough. The class was tough, but she was a fair teacher who was concerned that her students learned. We built a good relationship with her and on the last day of class, we went and met her at Fitz's.
Mona Srivastava was hard to learn to spell, but she was a fun, energetic prof. I really enjoyed her as a professor and if you need to take Buyer Behavior, take it from her.
I guess that's all I have about that. A lot of rambling I know, I'm sure not many of you will get any use out of this at all, so luckily I am working on a suppliment for you entitled: The Ultimate On Campus Bathroom Guide!
OK, now some of yall will be engineering majors. I will help yall out.
ReplyDeleteENGR 111 and ENGR 112 are taught by about 100 different profs. It doesn't really matter who you have because the tests are the same. The best way to study for that class is to study old exams. There is only so much information they can test over and they recycle old exams. Of course I took the courses in Old Army days, before the sections were major specific.
CHEN classes. They vary the profs each semester so we will cover some of them. Yurttas will pry be one of the best profs you will have in CHEN classes. Bukur, while he seems harsh, is really a good professor. He expects you to be able to figure a lot of things out on your own, which is pry good, but makes it seem harsh. I enjoyed having Glover. Some complain because he takes a long time in grading. Baldwin may be one of the easiest CHEN profs you have, but he only teaches senior level classes. You deserve to have him by that time. Both Hahn's are great. I enjoyed them. OK, so pry none of yall will ever take a CHEN course, but now your know!