Thursday, February 09, 2006

Jobs, Careers, Employment...

Alright, I just lived through 2 immensely busy days! It has pretty much slowed down back to normal mode. Hopefully I'll find some time at some point to go to the grocery store and clean up my room... Career Fairs, Interviews, Sending Resumes off... Senior year climbs to a busy apex that I imagine College is all about. I've had to get all fancy pants and talk to various people about my future. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I'll get used to all this grown-up stuff. That probably involves me getting my suit dry cleaned... Never done that one before.

Anyway as my priorities show, blogging probably hasn't been at the top of my list. That's mainly because I don't imagine any blogging scouts are out there waiting to recruit me and also because I prefer to use the precious hours I am at home to sleep. That being said, I had an interview yesterday for an amazing oppurtunity. It was only the first interview, but it's something I can get excited about. Hopefully I'll be hearing back for a second interview so I can get to know the people and the company a little better. The job would come with the title of "Marketing Director" which includes a lot of responsibility, but is exactly what I want.

At the career fair, I met with a couple of companies that I'm actually interested in, so I'll be in corespondence with them. That's what I used part of my afternoon for.

Other than that, what else am I excited about? Well, opening day of baseball is this weekend. Honestly, of all Aggie Sports, baseball is probably near the bottom. Couple that with the fact that most of the games directly interfere with my schedule, I'm hoping I can make it to several, but I'm not making any promises. Basketball is exciting again. And growth group is tonight. I have a great group of guys and I learn a lot about the Lord's love and knowledge from them. It's sure to be the highlight of my week.

Look at that! 5 Paragraphs for your update. What? You're not counting the 2 sentences as a paragraph? That's why I have such a hard time updating for you people. You're never happy...


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I have been reading your blog for sometime now and you have failed to make mention of my existance. Please don't make me have to take over your blog as I did your buddy's AIM program. I do exist.

  2. Your disciple, Clinton, has been proclaiming your existance since the beginning, leaving me little need to speak on the subject. Freak-ball.

  3. My readers are total nerds...
